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5 Business Metrics and KPIs Every Freelancer Should Be Tracking for Their Business

As a freelancer, keeping track of your finances and project statuses is crucial not only for maintaining a steady cash flow but also for ensuring you’re allocating your time effectively. Here are five essential business metrics and KPIs every freelancer should be tracking to optimize and grow their business:

1. Projects Won vs Invoices Paid

Why It Matters:
Your hard work should translate into earnings. Tracking the ratio of projects won to invoices paid ensures that you’re receiving every dollar you’re owed.

How to Track It:

  • Record Wins and Payments: Maintain a spreadsheet or use proposal and invoice software like Wethos to record every project won alongside the corresponding payment status.

  • Reconciliation: Regularly reconcile your projects and invoices to identify any discrepancies or overdue payments.

  • Tools: Software like Wethos or Quickbooks can help you manage your project value and invoice payments seamlessly.

2. Project Status by Creation Date

Why It Matters:
Understanding the lifecycle of your projects—from winning to completion and even loss—helps in identifying trends, bottlenecks, and areas of improvement over time.

How to Track It:

  • Categorize Projects: Keep a log categorizing your projects by creation date and their current status.

  • Historical Analysis: Review this data periodically to gain insights into your project flow and make informed decisions.

  • Tools: Project and proposal management tools like Wethos or Asana can help you organize and monitor your projects efficiently.

3. Project by Value vs Duration

Why It Matters:
Some projects may be more time-consuming yet less profitable. Tracking the value of each project against the time spent allows you to determine which projects are worth your time and efforts.

How to Track It:

  • Time and Value Logs: Keep detailed records of the time spent on each project and the value (revenue) generated from it.

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Regularly evaluate which types of projects provide the highest returns on your time investment.

  • Tools: Wethos can track how long you worked on a project alongside the amount of money you made from that project automatically in one place.

4. Unpaid Invoices by Status

Why It Matters:
Unpaid invoices can severely impact your cash flow. Tracking unpaid invoices by their status—pending, overdue, or disputed—ensures that you have a clear view of your outstanding receivables.

How to Track It:

  • Invoice Tracking: Use an invoicing system to categorize unpaid invoices by their current status.

  • Follow-Up System: Set up reminders for follow-ups on unpaid invoices based on their category.

  • Tools: Tools like QuickBooks or Wethos offer robust invoicing capabilities to manage and track payments effectively.

5. Invoices by Payment Due Date

Why It Matters:
Knowing when you’re expecting payments allows you to forecast your cash flow and manage your financial pipeline better.

How to Track It:

  • Payment Calendar: Maintain a calendar that logs all invoice due dates to track expected payments seamlessly.

  • Alert System: Implement an alert system to notify you of upcoming due dates and overdue invoices.

  • Tools: Invoicing software like Wethos or FreshBooks provides features to keep track of due dates and send reminders.


Tracking these five business metrics—Projects Won vs Invoices Paid, Project Status by Creation Date, Project by Value vs Duration, Unpaid Invoices by Status, and Invoices by Payment Due Date—can provide you with critical insights into your freelance business's financial health and project efficiency. Consistently monitoring and adjusting your strategies based on these KPIs will not only help in sustaining your business but also in driving growth and profitability.

By integrating these tracking mechanisms into your routine and utilizing and all-in-one software like Wethos for your business, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions, set realistic goals, and ensure consistent growth in your freelance career. Happy tracking!