New on Wethos: Scope of Work Templates for Freelancers

Scope of work templates for all

Our most loved feature is now available at your fingertips: Our project scope template library and all of the community-sourced pricing data that comes with it is now readily accessible to the public. Anyone can access all of our community-sourced scope of work templates — whether you have a Wethos account or not. 

Why? We believe that pricing information shouldn’t be gate-kept in the freelance community. For too long, questions about what to charge and how to charge have gone unanswered — ultimately creating a roadblock that stood in the way of freelancers making six-figures

Pricing for freelance projects shouldn’t be a race to the bottom. We use community-sourced data to bring transparency and equity to industry wages — and now we want to ensure the entire freelance community has the ability to easily access that pricing data.

The power of our scope of work templates

Knowledge is power. Wethos is not just a tool but a resource to help you raise your rates and streamline your business. With our scope of work templates, you can tap into community-sourced data from your peers of freelancers and independent studios to gut check your pricing, validate your scope of work, and raise your rates. Here’s how:

  • Raise your rates: We believe creating a system that enables freelancers to not only share their scopes, but also their prices, will make the freelance community stronger and drive wages up for everyone.

  • Gut check your pricing: New to freelancing and not sure what to charge? Compare your pricing to freelancers who have already done the work.

  • Validate your scope: Why scope from scratch when you can pitch quickly and confidently with our detailed community-sourced templates? Plus, our scope of work tool makes it easy to adjust your services to meet the needs of each project. 

Don’t just take our word for it — the proof is in the pudding. Here's how our scoping tool has helped freelancers earn more and save time.

How we got here

But let’s take a step back. How did we get here in the first place?

When we launched Wethos in 2016, the idea of a virtual studio was born out of personal pain and experience. After quitting our jobs in advertising to pursue more meaningful work, we founded our own small business — and with a growing studio came the need for systems and tools to help us scale. 

At the time, existing software was focused primarily on freelancers as solopreneurs, which left us cobbling together expensive tools that significantly chipped away at our take-home pay and made six-figure freelancing seemingly out of reach. So we decided to build a pricing and scoping software that would help us team up with fellow independents, easily create scopes, and confidently charge what we’re worth. 

We initially launched Wethos’ template library using our own pricing data — but now we’ve put that power into your hands. Over the last couple of years, the freelance community has contributed thousands of inputs to generate the median pricing for over 80 scope of work templates and 1,000 services — ranging from brand strategy to social media and design — to help build the Wethos Services Library. Plus, our pricing data and scope of work templates are always accurate and up to date as they’re updated every two weeks with the latest inputs from the community.

Check out some of our most popular scope of work templates to get started:

We haven’t even scratched the surface of our collective potential. 95% of freelancers aren’t making six-figures, but together we have the power to change that for the better. It’s time to leave the days of gate-keeping pricing information behind so freelancers never have to question what to charge again. 

Making freelance pricing data easily accessible to the public by opening our template library is just one step in our mission to put more money into independents’ pockets. 


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