Accepting payments has never been easier.

Get paid how you want, where you want, without having to open another account. Add multiple payment options to give your clients flexibility when paying your invoices.

Wethos is my one stop shop. From creating proposals, to now collecting deposits and payments, it’s full service for my needs.

- Capterra Reviewer

Get paid directly into the tools you’re using.

Whether you prefer to give your client one or multiple options to pay invoices, you have full control over how and where you get paid. Connect existing PayPal, Stripe, Venmo accounts, or give instructions for clients to pay you via bank transfer, check, or another option.

Have more control over your cashflow with payment insights.

Stop the hassle of going between various payment processors to understand cashflow and use Wethos as an all-in-one tool to track invoices and payments, no matter how your client paid.

payment invoice insights chart

Add US or International payment options, wherever you work.

Flexibility to add global payment options that work for your clients, so you can accept payments via platforms that can easily convert currency for them.

“I love making my invoices on Wethos because they look professional and they look the same every time!”

Yelle, Marketing & Brand Strategist

Start using Wethos today for free.

Ready to join the hundreds of thousands of businesses that are using Wethos to streamline their workflow and win bigger projects?

Frequently Asked Payments Questions

  • We know that all clients want to pay with their own preferred method. That’s why, with Wethos, you can offer clients multiple ways to pay. Utilize Wethos’ integrated invoice builder to send payable invoices to your clients by connecting your existing accounts details, with options including:

    • PayPal handle or link

    • Stripe link

    • Venmo handle or link

    • Bank transfer instructions

    • Check payment instructions

    • More options instructions